日本語 / English
This item will be sold only in Japan.

Product Name
Anago (Naeko) frying ♪ 300 g × 2 pack
肉厚の身がフライと相性抜群! ■原材料名 穴子(島根県産)、衣(クラッカー粉、澱粉、食塩、パン粉、コーン粉末、香辛料、植物性たん白、粉末植物油脂、酒精、増粘多糖類、酢酸Na)、(原材料の一部に小麦、乳、大豆を含む) ■内容量 300g×2袋 ■賞味期限 冷凍で30日/解凍後冷蔵で3日 ■保存方法 要冷凍(-18℃以下で保存して下さい) ■お召し上がり方 冷凍のまま、160℃前後の低温の油で、ゆっくり揚げます。
Product Characterristics / Use Scenes
The body of the thick is excellent with the fly! ■ Name of raw material Anago (from Shimane Prefecture), batter (cracker powder, starch, salt, bread crumbs, corn powder, spice, vegetable protein, powdered vegetable oil and fat, sake spirit, polysaccharide thickener, sodium acetate), (whole of raw materials (Including milk and soy) ■ Contents 300g x 2 bags ■ Best before date 30 days frozen / 3 days refrigerated after thawing ■ How to save Required refrigeration (Please save at -18 ° C or less) ■ How to eat While it is frozen, fry it slowly with a low temperature oil of around 160 ° C.